Eating Clean - Part 2


Ways to support the body to minimise the effects of harmful pesticides found in our food

Although we may try to actively minimise exposure to chemicals, it may be unrealistic to avoid harmful pesticides found in food. Here are our top tips using herbs and nutrients, to support your health and wellbeing.

St Marys Thistle
Traditionally, St Marys Thistle is known as a hepatoprotective herb, protecting liver cells from harmful toxins from food, alcohol, environmental and pharmaceuticals, as well as supporting the liver in its detoxification function.

Hydrated Bentonite
A natural clay, containing a variety of smectite minerals known as ‘Montmorillonite’ and naturally sourced from North America. Hydrated bentonite binds to toxins in the digestive system, facilitating the removal of unwanted toxins from the body.

Liver and digestive support formula containing herbs that have been traditionally used to aid digestion and nourish the liver.

Liver and gall bladder support formula combining herbs that have been traditionally used to support the function of the liver and gallbladder.

Activated Charcoal
May help absorb and remove toxins from the Digestive tract. It may provide relief from indigestion, bloating, fullness and flatulence.
Use with caution and take 2 hours away from other pharmaceutical medications. Activated Charcoal may interfere with the absorption of nutrients, so it must be used with caution with children.

Liquid Chlorophyll
A natural alkaliser and cleanser, chlorophyll works to detoxify and cleanse the body naturally, assisting with helping reduce body odours and bad breath.

It is always recommended to seek the advice of a health care professional should symptoms persist.
For pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to seek the advice of a health care professional.

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