Tis the season to be Healthy


Well it’s that time of the year again, carols are playing, children are lining up to get their photo taken with Santa, free wrapping is being offered for charity fund raising and families are getting ready to meet up and celebrate the one day of the year where everything stops, to mark the occasion of Christmas.

Christmas has a different meaning to everyone. To many, it represents a time of sharing, contribution, compassion and reflection. A time to slow down and enjoy the company of loved ones and strangers, allowing the human spirit to shine through and celebrate unity, comradery and what is meaningful in our lives.

Celebrating also means, more eating and drinking! We attend numerous functions, eat and drink a variety of things we would not normally consume, and before we know it, we’re feeling bloated, nauseous, tired, sluggish and generally unwell.

Nature’s Sunshine have prepared a delicious healthier alternative to the traditional Christmas Lunch. All recipes are on our website for you to enjoy! Below we have dessert covered, so enjoy!

We have also covered tips on herbs and nutrients, that may help minimise digestive discomfort you may experience during the festive season.

Although we may have all the intensions of keeping healthy over the festive season, it may be unrealistic to avoid all our favourite foods and treats during the holiday season.  Here are our top tips using herbs and nutrients, to support your digestive health and help minimise digestive discomfort.

Papaya Mint DigestAid

Contains Papain, a food digesting enzyme. Enzymes assist with the breakdown of food. It may help relieve indigestion and associated symptoms such as bloating and flatulence.


It is always recommended to seek the advice of a health care professional should symptoms persist.

For pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to seek the advice of a health care professional.

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