Australian Operation

Because a legacy of caring and sharing has exemplified the Hughes family business throughout the years, their NSP family has grown into a worldwide organisation with subsidiary organisations located in Venezuela, Japan, Canada, Colombia, the United Kingdom and Ireland, The Russian Federation, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador , Israel, China, Belarus, Dominican Republic, Poland and the Ukraine. The Company also has exclusive distribution agreements with selected companies located in Australia , Argentina , New Zealand and Norway.
The Australian operation was established in June, 1981, being the third wholly owned Subsidiary to open for business following the U.S.A. , Canada and New Zealand . In keeping with corporate direction and the Hughes’ family’s creed of ‘helping people to help themselves to a healthier, happier life’, the distribution method of selling herbs and nutritional supplements in Australia was via multi-level marketing (M.L.M.).
In the late eighties the Australian Management team observed that the Australian M.L.M. network was leaning more towards a ‘retail’ oriented market, that is, Distributors began focusing their attentions on the Health Food Store and Practitioner Markets.
In January, 1993 the Australian operation of Nature’s Sunshine Products was purchased by Stephen and Rosely Webster who between them have many years of experience with NSP. Stephen and Rosely since then have operated under an Exclusive License and Master Distributorship Agreement and continue to enjoy the benefits of working closely with the Parent Company.
In 1999 it became clear that the M.L.M. distribution system and the allocation of resources were out of step with what was happening in the market place and in order to protect our sales base and take a bigger share of what was a rapidly growing market, changes needed to be made.
January, 2000 not only saw a new Millennium but also a new direction for NSP Australia. A careful and disciplined analysis of our strengths and the opportunities available to us determined that if we wanted to make more people aware of our products and provide them with outstanding service, then we needed to align ourselves with a select number of sales channels.
Today Nature’s Sunshine products are sold in Health Food Stores, some Pharmacies and Professional Health Care Practitioners who are supplied via authorised Wholesalers in each Australian Capital City - and Founding Club Members, a group of Independent Distributors whose association with Nature’s Sunshine pre-date January, 2000.
Nature’s Sunshine Products of Australia Pty. Ltd. no longer operate under a M.L.M. system.