Naturopath Tip - Breakfast Tips


birthday hash

Try something new for breakfast- eat leftovers or make something you usually eat as dinner food.

I was reading an interesting article the other day where the author was relating that he’d eaten leftovers for breakfast and felt more energy and was full for longer compared to how he feels on his usual cereal and milk. It’s true that we tend to lack creativity in the morning or skip breakfast altogether.

Personally I usually rely on smoothies and toast to get me started, though I do like to change things up every now and then. I think it’s more about being conscious about the nutrients we are ingesting each meal rather than just the style of the food. I like to get a hit of antioxidants, protein, good fats, complex (wholegrain) carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in most meals.

So whether it’s a smoothie or a dhal ask yourself what are the nutrients you are receiving from your meal, will it nourish your body, boost energy and health, and will it keep you full and satisfied till your next meal. Try something new this week, eat leftovers or make something you usually eat as dinner food. I’m trying a nut butter and fruit salad sandwich along with a chia seed and coconut pudding one morning, and I’m also going to try pumpkin soup and wholemeal spelt sourdough toast another morning. Give it a go, you might love it!

This is the article I read, I thought I’d share as it was very interesting.

Enjoy each meal and always remember you are made of what you eat, so choose wisely.


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